
Rev Dr David Perry is a retired Methodist Minister, living on the wonderful coast of North Yorkshire

Dave comes from the Black Country in the West Midlands. After a first degree in Biological Sciences & Geography he stayed on at Birmingham University and became a research palaeoecologist (researching climatic and environmental changes over the last 20,000 years in Britain and Iceland) and gained his PhD in 1986. He had his first taste of Christianity and Methodism whilst an undergraduate and became a member of the Methodist Church at Selly Oak. He trained for the ministry at Wesley House, Cambridge and has a degree in Theology and Religious Studies.

Dave is a passionate photographer and is fully committed to using visual imagery in his professional life, both stills and video. He delights in the creative synergy of bringing words and images together as a means of deepening our spiritual perception and awareness. He is an experienced leader of visual theology-based worship, retreats and quiet days.

He won the Premier Best Christian Blog Award in 2009.

Please contact Dave directly for requests or to inquire about using his work.

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